springfieldseoandwriting.com http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com Creative Essay Tips Tue, 01 Nov 2022 13:13:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/647/2020/11/cropped-feather-32x32.png springfieldseoandwriting.com http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com 32 32 40 Best Process Analysis Essay Topics Ideas to Get Started http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/topics-for-process-analysis-essay.html http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/topics-for-process-analysis-essay.html#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 13:00:03 +0000 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/?p=51 A process analysis essay is a popular assignment for many students. It helps them to understand the inner working of a thing and its operations in detail. If you are going to write this type of essay, then you should have some process analysis essay topics ideas.

There are different ways to learn how to write a process analysis essay, however, this article will focus on different ideas for process analysis essays.

What is a process essay?

This type of essay can be described as a how-to guide. It offers a valuable explanation of how to do something. It could explain either an abstract or a concrete process.

Process analysis essay topics ideas

Below is a list of 40 process analysis examples to derive your inspiration and writing topics.

  1. How to make your crush think of you more
    Everyone wants their crush to think of them. A good way to share valuable information on this is to draft a process analysis writing on the topic.
    It is also important that when talking about these topics with your crush in front of them (or anyone else), it should be done without any affectation or awkwardness—just relax and have fun!
  2. How to distract yourself from a breakup
    When writing this, consider including tips such as: listening to music, going out with friends, watching a movie or TV show, exercising with friends, reading a book that makes you laugh out loud and drives away stress, playing games like Scrabble or Monopoly that help distract you from thinking about the relationship. 
  3. How to sleep better naturally

The content of this essay should include ways/things to help people sleep better. If you want to tell people how to sleep better, then you need to find out ways this can be done. Although this can be hard especially if you are suffering from insomnia or another sleep disorder, there are some tips on how to go about it:

  • Trying different types of medication or supplements that have been shown in studies to help improve the quality of sleep by improving relaxation and reducing anxiety levels during the day.
  • Keeping your bedroom cool at night so that your body temperature stays consistent throughout the night.
  1. How to get out of debt

When selecting good process essay topics, writing about a way for students to get out of debt is a good start.

The processes for this topic include, but are not limited to:

  • Making a budget: This can be as simple or as detailed as you like, but it is important to include that they know what they are spending money on to enable them to make conscious decisions about how much of it goes toward debt repayment.
  • Make a realistic plan for paying off debts
  1. How to get out of doing a chore at home
  2. How to prepare for a test you haven’t studied for. 

Funny process analysis essay topics

  1. How to keep someone from noticing that you are not listening
  2. How to be good at basketball
  3. How to wake someone up who is not a morning person
  4. How to go on an overnight school trip without your parents
  5. How to make scrambled eggs the perfect way
  6. The steps needed to survive an earthquake successfully
  7. How to do homework you don’t want to do
  8. How to make a room spooky for Halloween
  9. How to change tires on a car
  10. How to find the median in math

Great ideas for process analysis essays

  1. How to use photoshop for beginners
  2. How to make lasagna from scratch
  3. How to use an excel spreadsheet for beginners
  4. How to build a birdhouse from scratch

Informative topics for process analysis essay

  1. What is the stock market?
  2. Why is having a positive attitude so important?
  3. Why is it important to get plenty of sleep each night?
  4. How to plan a vacation
  5. How to plunge a toilet
  6. How to make an omelet

Interesting process analysis ideas

  1. How to plant an herb garden
  2. How to cook rice
  3. How to organize your closet
  4. How to find a summer job or internship
  5. How to find cheap airline tickets online

Process analysis essay topics examples

  1. How to brew the perfect cup of coffee
  2. How to tie a tie
  3. How to choose a good roommate
  4. How to hit a curveball
  5. How to save money while in college

Topics for process analysis essays

  1. How to buy groceries frugally
  2. How to win at monopoly
  3. How to make a girl fall in love with you
  4. How to be a good sport 


If you are looking for the best process analysis essay topics, then the above list should help you out. These topics highlight some of life’s situations and how we deal with them daily.

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Total Beginner’s Guide on How to Write a Business Essay http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/business-essay.html http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/business-essay.html#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:59:22 +0000 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/?p=50 Business essays are often used by employers to evaluate applicants’ skills and abilities. They are also a great way to show off your knowledge in one subject area, whether it is finance or marketing. 

With the business essay writing tips outlined in this guide, you will be able to write a successful business essay that will impress your lecturer and future employer.

Business school essay: an overview

An essay on business is a type of academic writing that can be used to present your knowledge and skills critically. It enables you to demonstrate your mastery over certain topics, thus enhancing your credibility as an expert in the field.

Business essays are generally written by managers or other professionals who have been assigned the task of explaining their company’s achievements and plans.

How to write a business essay

Since a business essay is used to explore a specific topic within the field of business studies. The student must be able to demonstrate their understanding and skills for them to write this type of paper.

Starting a business essay involves understanding how best you can structure your paper so that it will be easy for readers. In addition, you also need to understand how best way you can use grammar rules, including punctuation marks like commas and quotation marks, capital letters, as well as using proper spelling on words.

The first thing you will need to do is choose a topic. This can be difficult, but there are a few things that will help:

  • Be specific: the more specific your topic is, the easier it will be to write about and explain. For example, if you are writing an essay about marketing strategies for small businesses in Australia, then the essay is said to be more specific than one that just talks about the best ways to market any business online.
  • Consider your audience: specificity helps you write an essay that appeals to the people who will be reading it. 
  • Choose a topic that interests you: the more excited you are about your topic, the easier it will be to write about it. 

Business essay format

All business school essay examples follow a certain format to discuss a topic in depth. The format is similar to other types of essays, but there are some unique features worth noting, such as:

  1. The outline: the first step in writing an effective business essay is creating an outline. An outline is the skeleton of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. The outline should include a thesis statement that sets up what you are going to write about in the first few paragraphs.
    The main points you want to make should be included as well as any supporting evidence or details that help prove them.
    The conclusion is where you should wrap things up by summing up your argument and making any final points.
    An outline will help you focus on what you want to say and make sure all your thoughts are lined up properly before diving into writing each section. You can use any type of tool (like Word or Google Docs).
  2. Topics: while keeping track of ideas for topics for your paper might seem like overkill when starting), it is crucial because it helps keep things organized and focused throughout the process. Your topic must be interesting and must seek to capture the attention of the reader.
  3. The structure: the structure of your essay is another thing that should be planned out before you start writing. In this case, the general rule of thumb is to keep things short and interesting.

Business essay topics

When it comes to writing a business essay, there are many different topics you can choose from. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Industry trends and strategies
  • Structure and managerial processes and challenges of a company
  • Analyzing customer preference for competitors.


There are many ways to write a business essay. It is not just limited to one or two topics, but you can also make use of other sources like books or journals if they are available at your university library. The best thing about writing a business essay is that it can help you learn more about the subject while writing it which will help improve your skills as an academic writer. The above guide will be useful in helping increase your potential for employment.

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30 Interesting Criminal Justice Essay Topics to Write About http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/criminal-justice-essay-topics.html http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/criminal-justice-essay-topics.html#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:59:00 +0000 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/?p=49 The criminal justice field has been growing rapidly in recent years. Criminal justice majors and minors are finding themselves with a lot of crime essay topics, and a lot of options for choosing their path, from being a police officer to working at a local jailhouse or prison.

This article will highlight some of the many criminal justice topics to write about while majoring in this field.

What are some topics in criminal justice

An essay on criminal justice can range from argumentative to reformative depending on your interest as a student. 

The following list includes 30 outstanding topics for your next paper

Basic criminal justice essay topics

  1. Are capital punishments effective in the correctional system? 
    Top on the list of basic criminal justice topics is capital punishment. This is a form of punishment that involves the death penalty. It is used in many countries and states. Although capital punishment is an effective way to deter crime because it causes people to think twice before committing an offense, there are many drawbacks associated with capital punishment, which are worth discussing.
  2. Should juvenile offenders be tried as adults?
    The United States Supreme Court has ruled that juveniles cannot be tried as adults. However, many states have laws regarding this issue and may allow it to happen in certain circumstances.
  3. Does booker-based sentencing work effectively for all crimes?
    Booker-based sentencing is a federal law that allows judges to determine the severity of a crime by considering the facts of the case and the criminal history of the offender. 
  4. Should criminal justice students be allowed to serve warrants alongside police officers?
    It is a fact that most police officers have received some form of training on how to serve warrants and the legal consequences associated with them. However, should students be allowed to do so as a form of practice?
  5. Is it fair to allow police officers to use social media while they are on duty?
    Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives; therefore, it is important to understand how law enforcement agencies use this technology for their benefit as well.
  6. How can racial biases be eliminated in the criminal justice system?
    A great criminal justice college essay discusses racial bias as a major problem in the criminal justice system. It can be found at all levels of the criminal justice system, but it is especially prevalent at police stations and jails. Police officers are often unaware of their own biases and may not even realize how much they hold them back from making fair judgments about people based on race or ethnicity.

Criminal justice argumentative essay topics

  1. Has technology positively contributed to criminal justice investigations?
  2. Should drug users, who are not charged with a crime, be detained and booked into jail?
  3. Should people have a right to carry guns despite mandatory gun laws?
  4. Is it ethical to conduct psychological experiments on prisoners? 
  5. Should inmates have control over their lives while incarcerated?
  6. Is incarceration an effective means of reducing crime?
  7. Do racial disparities in sentencing affect society?

Criminal justice reform essay topics

  1. What are the three main purposes of a criminal justice system?
  2. Are prisoners treated humanely?
  3. What are some alternatives to incarceration?
  4. Does the death penalty deter crime or contribute to it?
  5. Which method of execution is the best option for the criminal justice system, and why?
  6. Should marijuana be legal for recreational use only or medical use only?
  7. Should there be limits on how many people can join a protest? In what circumstances should there be limits on how many people can join a protest? In what circumstances should there be no limits on how many people can join a protest?
  8. Is police profiling ethical or practical? Why or why not?
  9. Should the U.S. Constitution be amended to allow for greater accountability in criminal justice?
  10. How should the punishment be meted out: retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, or incapacitation?
  11. Is the system of plea bargaining corrupt? Do prosecutors have too much discretion under the current system?
  12. How can we ensure that those who commit crimes against children receive adequate punishment?

Interesting criminal justice essay ideas

  1. Can we effectively reduce crime by reforming the education system in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color? (In a way other than providing more funding for prisons)
  2. What is restorative justice, and how does it work?
  3. How can we make our communities safer without increasing the number of people in federal prisons?
  4. What are some of the best ways of reducing recidivism in the correctional system?
  5. What are community-based corrections and how effective is it in reducing recidivism?


The topics above are all suitable for you to choose from. It is important to note that one of the most interesting criminal justice essay papers you will come across when researching is how technology can positively contribute to criminal justice investigations.

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The Introduction: How to Introduce your Writing http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/the-introduction-how-to-introduce-your-writing.html http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/the-introduction-how-to-introduce-your-writing.html#respond Fri, 11 Dec 2020 17:32:14 +0000 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/?p=45 Great writing starts with a good introduction. If you want to make the most out of your writing, ensure that you have a catchy introduction. An interesting read in the first few lines will create curiosity in your readers to yearn for more. Therefore, writing a good introduction is essential for excellent writing of any assignment. The first objective is to win the attention of your audience. Therefore, you must ensure you include good phrases to bring out that feel.

Include a general background to the topic you are writing about. Your audience wants to know where you are coming from and where you are headed with your writing. Therefore, you should take time to provide thorough writing about the topic before you can proceed on writing the rest of your essay body.

How to Write an Essay Introduction

As you prepare to write an essay introduction, there is a lot to remember and put into consideration to make it work for you. Here are important tips to remember:

  • Draw skill from various sources. Good readers make good writers. A sure way of getting to write a good introduction is by making sure that you read quality sources from talented professional writers. They will help you understand the best approach to essay writing. Most importantly, you will see how they were able to start their topic. Moreover, they give you an option to buy custom essay online to draw your worries away and get a professionally written work fast.
  • Include a thesis statement. Towards the end of the introduction, give direction to your essay. Here, you are required to write a thesis statement. This statement highlights the main objective of writing your specific essay. At this point, your audience will connect with the essay and long for the content in your writing.
  • Discuss the purpose and significance of your essay. Part of what is included in the essay introduction is a look into the significance and need for writing such a topic. Your introduction should prepare your readers to learn throughout the essay. Make sure there are enough reasons as to why your essay is important.
  • Make it brief and to the point. Don’t keep your readers waiting. They want to know what the essay topic is all about. Therefore, make sure you are straight to the point and brief. Your introduction should not be longer than the essay body. Do not take too long explaining the topic to forget explaining the real issues.
  • Put your topic into context. Ensure that the topic is relevant and that the interest in writing about it is known to your audience. Your audience should be able to relate your topic with other important aspects in the wider scope.

Final Thoughts

Writing an introduction is the genesis of all written assignments. It is the start of your writing and therefore, you should make a good impression on your readers. Include catchy phrases in your introduction and let the reader have a reason to continue reading the essay after the first few sentences. A good introduction will help you get good readership and quality grades for your assignment.

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Help with Narrative Essay Writing http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/help-with-narrative-essay-writing.html http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/help-with-narrative-essay-writing.html#respond Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:24:53 +0000 http://www.springfieldseoandwriting.com/?p=29 A narration is aimed at telling a personal experience or describing something for others to learn or make key decisions about it. Writing this type of essay presents the writer with a lot of options that should, however, be carefully thought out. Your narrative may be used for different reasons. It could help you inspire other people or help them learn some important life lessons. It can also be used to tell reasons for the current state of affairs and so on.

Your narrative essay must adhere to certain writing standards regardless of the reason for which it is being written. Therefore, you should always endeavor to make sure that you have the right structure and organization from the beginning to the end. Proper planning is necessary for your success especially in coming up with a good topic for your speech or essay.

Key things to remember about Narratives

Writers who have had an easy time writing a narrative essay or speech have learned a few tricks and tips. Here are some of them that you could apply to help you in your writing:

  • Read other narratives. To be a good writer, you should spend enough time reading works by other people. Look for the best authors and learn from them. You should pick sources that are proven with the right content, particularly in your area of interest.
  • Learn different writing styles and tone. Your essay should be carefully written and crafted following the rules of writing. Your narrative could take a mix of both first-person and third-person narration and a casual tone. However, you should be careful enough not to mix up things.
  • Choose an interesting topic. Yes! Your topic should appeal to your readers and make them want to know more after reading the title. Everything counts throughout your essay writing. Make sure that you have the facts with you before settling on a specific topic for your essay.
  • Work with an outline. What would you want to cover in your essay? Make sure that it is well captured in an outline prior to getting started with the writing. With this outline, you will be able to capture every important detail that will make your narrative interesting to read.
  • Write a captivating introduction. Learn the art of winning the attention of your audience. A good narrative or speech should have a catchy phrase in the introduction. It should create curiosity in your audience to wait up to the end of your writing. Look for quality phrases and quotes that match your essay topic and include them in the introduction. They will help you build a coherent piece of writing and an interesting one for that matter.


There is no limit to what you can write in your narrative essay or speech. However, you should be knowledgeable enough to understand the needs of your audience. Work towards connecting with them right from the introduction. Your narrative will be as good as your creativity in writing it to the end.

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